Deck the Everything Day

Early holiday decorating is a polarizing issue: some people love it, others complain that “it’s not even winter yet” and “I’m sick of Christmas already and it’s only Halloween.”  HomeGoods is firmly in the early decorator camp, with holiday merch hitting the shelves in September. To show our support for early decorators, we created a holiday that would give them the perfect excuse to start decorating in October: Deck the Everything Day, a day devoted to creating a winter wonderland at home. Now it’s not “early decorating” it’s “right on time” decorating, so the haters can stuff it.

We announced our new holiday on social and in press with an illustrated video inspired by “ ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” voiced over by HomeGoods fan and influencer
Danny Pellegrino.

Danny and a crew of early decorating influencers posted their own Deck The Everything Day hauls from HomeGoods and shared their own decoration tips to get people in the early
holiday spirit.


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